Home Office Prevent Privacy Policy

Privacy notice 

Under the Prevent duty, specified authorities should place an appropriate amount of weight on the need to prevent people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.  This training service explains the purpose of Prevent, the risk around radicalisation, how to identify when someone may be susceptible to radicalisation, how to raise concerns and what a proportionate response looks like. It is aimed at frontline staff, including education, health, local authorities, police and criminal justice agencies (prisons, probation and youth justice) across England, Wales, and Scotland.   

The controller of the information is the: 

Home Office 
2 Marsham Street 

How and why the Department uses your information 

The Home Office collects, processes and shares personal information to enable it to carry out its statutory duty. The Home Office is only allowed to process your data where there is a lawful basis for doing so. For the purposes of this training, this is covered under Article 6 (1) (e) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. 

Training data is retrieved for statistical and reporting purposes only and the Home Office has the option to share the data with other relevant government departments at their request to inform policy making decisions. 

How we will use the training data 

Representatives of the Home Office monitor: 

  • the number of users accessing the portal  
  • Sector, region, organisation, role and access needs of users  
  • the number of users accessing and engaging with different elements of the portal (delivery resources, communities feature, resources)  
  • completion, attempt rate and pass rate of users on the skills development modules  

Information collected during this training is treated confidentially. 

Storing your information 

Information provided by learners for proof of completion certificates will be encrypted and retained for 30 minutes, after which the data is deleted. Obtaining a proof of completion certificate is optional. Read more about the Home Office’s Retention and Disposal Standards

Questions or concerns about personal data 

If you have any questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information please contact the Home Office at: info.access@homeoffice.gov.uk

In accordance with the requirements of the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 the Home Office has appointed an independent Data Protection Officer. 

If you have any concern or complaint about the way your personal data has been managed contact: 

The Data Protection Officer 

Peel Building 
2 Marsham Street 

Reporting a concern 

When we process your information, we will comply with the law, including data protection legislation. Should you feel that your data is being processed in breach of data protection law or other legislation, you can report your concern to our Data Protection Officer using the contact details provided above.  

You also have the right to make a complaint at any time to the ICO by contacting the Information Commissioner on the Information Commisioner’s website. 

Changes to this policy 

We may change this privacy policy. In that case, the ‘last updated’ date at the bottom of this page will also change. Any changes to this privacy policy will apply to you and your data immediately. 

If these changes affect how your personal data is processed, the Home Office will take reasonable steps to let you know. 

Last updated 6 October 2023